Sample MI Plans
Todd J. Eckstein - Instrumental jazz Jon Lutgen - Accepting responsibility Justin Gerlach - Elementary Spanish Lesson Marie Muhvic - Physical Education John Fietsch - Making Shapes - Geometry Links to areas in other portions of this website related to multiple intelligences. Link's Pages- Multiple intelligences Naturalistic Intelligence Defined Journal Articles On Line
MI Plan #4 Maria Aerts, Education 381 District Aim: Students will understand the general health of our society. Goal: Students will be able to understand nutritional intake in order to promote healthy choices in the course of their lives. Objectives: 1. Students will be able to effectively read nutrition labels on food products. 2. Students will explore their own nutritional intake and habits. 3. Students will formulate an advertisement to educate others concerning health and nutrition. 4. Students will compare the nutritional labels of different 5. Students will explore the different types of advertisement in order to sell a product. PROCEDURES: Logical/Mathematical: After learning how to interpret the labels on food products, students will practice calculating percentage of fat, sodium, cholesterol, etc. in terms of daily intake. Bodily/Kinesthetic: Students will visit the local grocery store and compare/contrast the nutrition labels of the same food distributed by different companies (Oscar Meyer vs. Ballpark hot dogs). They will document which product they would select as a consumer. Spatial/Visual: Students will divide into small groups (interpersonal) and create a new product that may increase that health of consumers. Students must consider daily intake and nutritional health concern when developing the new product. They will use large poster board to create a billboard or commercial advertisement. They also have the option of presenting this portion of the assignment in the form of a video-recorded commercial advertisement. Musical/Rhythmic: The students will create a jingle for their new product. The jingle must incorporate health issues and nutrition. Verbal/Linguistic: Students will create a brief newspaper advertisement to sell the new product. Again, the product should attract people who are concerned about health and encourage others to become conscious of health. Interpersonal: Each group will present the new product to the rest of the class and gather input regarding if the class believes that the product would sell considering the nutritional information and the advertising methods. Intrapersonal: Students will keep a journal of their own nutritional intake and determine if it follows the average nutritional consumption.