Sample MI Plans
Todd J. Eckstein - Instrumental jazz Maria Aerts - Health and general nutrition Jon Lutgen - Accepting responsibility Justin Gerlach - Elementary Spanish Lesson Marie Muhvic - Physical Education John Fietsch - Making Shapes - Geometry Links to areas in other portions of this website related to multiple intelligences. Link's Pages- Multiple intelligences Naturalistic Intelligence Defined Journal Articles On Line
Grade Level: High school biology class District Aim: Students will analyze and evaluate environmental issues in order to become environmentally aware citizens. Grade Level Goal: Students will evaluate stories and issues to develop critical thinking skills related to environmental awareness of predators. Lesson Objectives:
Groupings: In groups of 2-3 students the class will apply environmentally sound concepts by creating a children's story, video or song. Materials: (For a class of 30 students)
Procedures: Day 1 -Teacher will introduce the topic of environmental awareness.One of the following children stories will be handed
out to each student in the class: The Little Red Riding Hood, Peter and the Wolf,
or The Three Little Pigs. Students will read the story silently to themselves.
After reading the story each student will write a short essay on how they felt about the
predator in the story they read. These papers will be handed in at the end of the period
for the teacher to informally assess the student's comments and knowledge base. They will
not be formally graded, it will be noted in the grade book as being completed. The papers
will be returned to the students with appropriate comments. Students will count off in fours and then from instructional groups with other students that have the same number. These groups will complete the second half of the assignment. The class will be informed that they will be researching information on the wolf (Canis Lupus). They will be looking for knowledge on life style habits, historical territory and conflicts with humans, and any other information which will help them complete the project. (The teacher can write these instructions on the board, and have students write these in their notebooks.) Then they will complete one of the following projects either individually (intrapersonal) or with a group interpersonal) Verbal/linguistic intelligence - Create an original children's story which correctly depicts the habits of the wolf.Musical intelligence - Create a song which can be performed for the class, containing factual information on the wolf.Bodily/kinesthetic/spatial/verbal/linguistic intelligences - Depict or portray through video presentation some of the information found about wolves. Or create a performance piece from one of the original plays or songs, or enact one of the stories read, but modified to apply correct environmental concepts.Day 2-3 - Students will review reference material provided (books, magazines and Internet access). Once research is completed the students will begin creating their project. The projects should contain factual information of the predator-prey relationships, and sound ecological information.Day 4 - Students will present project to the entire class. If there is a class size of 20 students, then each group will get 10 minutes to present. Evaluation: Formal assessment will be done on the projects. The teacher will evaluate the projects according to accuracy of information and evaluation of fully developed concepts. Each group member will assign a grade for themselves and their team members. They will evaluate the following items: Contribution to the group (20 points). Cooperation among team members (10 points). Effort (10 points). Understanding of assignment needs (10 points). The final grade will be an average between the student evaluations and the project grades. In the project I will look for accuracy in the information, concerning the predators natural habits and behaviors. Students should provide information from three different sources. Information can be gained from trade book sources, magazines and the Internet. They will also be graded on neatness and spelling/grammar usage Extensions: Could work in conjunction with the music teacher to analyze how music affects ones outlook. (example, the music in the movie Jaws and its influence on shark hating)