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MI Plan #8

Marie Muhvic 2001

Area of Concentration - Physical Education/Spatial Awareness

District Aim:  Students are able to differentiate between self-space and general space.  

Goals:  Students understand the difference between personal self-space, general space, and the self-space of others, and they are able to perform motor tasks without invading the personal space of other individuals or pairs.  

Multiple Intelligences Objectives and Activities: 

  •  After an in-class oral discussion, the second grade physical education students will demonstrate their understanding of the difference between self-space and general space, by staying on their carpet square two out of every three times they are engaged in various physical movements (intrapersonal, linguistic, and bodily-kinesthetic). 

  •   Following an in-class demonstration of the game “City Streets”, the second grade physical education students will exhibit their ability to remain in their self-space while performing various physical movements, at least two out of every three times (linguistic, interpersonal, and bodily-kinesthetic). 

  • Following verbal instructions and an in-class demonstration, the second grade physical education students will demonstrate their ability to cooperate with their partner and remain in their duo’s personal space while jumping, crawling, and performing other various physical movements, at least two out of every three times ( verbal, interpersonal, and bodily-kinesthetic).  

  • Following verbal instructions and an in-class demonstration, the second grade physical education students will demonstrate their ability to cooperate with a partner while running and pushing each other on a scooter, to complete at least three laps while doing the timed scooter relay (math/logical, interpersonal, and bodily-kinesthetic).  

  • While listening to a tape of the “Hokey Pokey” with verbal instructions on it, the second grade physical education students will perform the correct physical movements that are called out 90% of the time and remain in their own personal space 90% of the time as well (musical, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, and linguistic).