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New Horizons for Learning Electronic Journal - Vol.
III, #5, March/April 1998
eighth intelligence
teachers are drawn to using Multiple Intelligence Theory in the classroom
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MI Plan #2
Eckstein, Todd J., ED381

Area of concentration - Instrumental Music
Lesson area: Beginning jazz appreciation
Target area: 9th grade
District Aim: Students will learn to play an instrument and appreciate
Subject Area Goal: Students will become proficient at identifying
different performers through their individual styles.
Objectives: Instrumental concentration - saxophone
- Students will make a
list of as many saxophone players they know.
- Students will
differentiate what qualities makes each of the performers sound different
- Students will make
decisions as to why they like dislike different players.
The teacher will provide a list of saxophone players to the students, after the
students have made their own list. the teacher will also provide musical excerpts from
each of the performers. the students will listen to the tapes, and will eventually be
quizzed about who played what song.
MI Objectives:
- Interpersonal: The students will divide into groups and discuss what
made each excerpt different. They will talk about style, articulation, sound quality,
dynamics, and expressiveness.
- Intrapersonal: Each student will develop a journal and write down their
impressions of the recordings -- entries may include emotional responses of each piece.
- Spatial: Students will draw pictures interpreting visually what the different
recordings mean to them.
- Musical: Students will identify and explain which recording(s) best represents
them. They will need to explain which musical sounds they identify with and why.
- Bodily-Kinesthetic: Students will interpret the sounds from the recordings and
move around the room in accordance to what they hear.
- Logical/Mathematical: Students will fill out a questionnaire detailing what
sounds they like and why. Then, they will analyze transcribed solos of the different
saxophone styles and come to a conclusion if they like or dislike a saxophone player.
These judgments will be based on students' personal analyses as they examine their
auditory impressions compared to the written score of each piece.