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Problem Solving Plan #3



Heidi Krouth, ED381

Aim: Students will gain experience in presenting information to groups.

Goal: The children will be encouraged to incorporate interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic and logical-mathematic skills into their individual projects.

Objective: By using their strengths, students will present the alphabet letters to two groups by using interpersonal and communication skills.

Note: This lesson plan will involve a concept called "buddy teaching" in which fifth graders are paired with first graders and become teachers. The aim for this lesson are to develop beginning skills for presenting information to groups. I wanted the subject matter to be already known to the children so that this project would not be too much of a challenge that they would be turned off from public speaking for life. (I had a fifth grade teacher who made me do a speech on hippopotamuses and I hate speaking in front of the class to this day in fear of my classmates asking me a question to which I do not know the answer.) I thought this might be a good project for the beginning of the year to get to know the interests of the individuals in my classroom and also, by giving a problem solving assignment, I would not set boundaries and could get an idea of the levels of achievement by letting them be creative.

Problem Statement: The class will teach Ms._______'s first grade class the letters of the alphabet. This will be an eight week long project. The alphabet can be presented in many different ways. Try to use something you are good at or enjoy doing a lot to help teach the first graders in a fun way. You may choose a theme and explore words starting with each letter, or make a book, or act out the letters, or make objects, or find things around school and use letter cards. Your possibilities are endless. Have fun with this assignment. If you have any questions, ask me after you have read the rest of the page.

Parameters - Projects Musts:

  • Include all letters of the alphabet.
  • Be appropriate for school.
  • Be able to be presented in twenty minutes or less.
  • Be original by using your strengths.
  • Be completed by the end of the third week. 


  • All materials in the art room will be available for your use.
  • Other materials like overhead transparencies, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, or others may be made available upon request.
  • All students must sign up on a my sign up sheet for the dates available to present their alphabet.
  • Students will be required to meet with me three day before their presentation.
  • Students are required to work in self selected groups of two or three, unless they talk to me about why they want to work alone. Practice sessions will be video-tapes in order to facilitate this process.
  • Two days before your presentation day, a practice round will be performed in front of our fifth grade class to share your talents with your classmates and get extra practice before teaching the first graders.

Process Skills Needed:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Communication skills
  • Letter recognition

Evaluation: Peer and self evaluations will be given after each practice round. Students will be required to self-evaluate after their presentations to the first graders.

Here are some links to areas in other portions of this website related to this plan.

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