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MI Plan #7

Justin Gerlach, ED 381

   Estamos en la granja  (We are on the farm) 

Grade Level:  Elementary Spanish (Grades 3-5)


  • Students will develop an awareness of the various animals that can be found in a farm setting


  • Students will be able to identify different animals by their picture and name in the target language
  • Students will be able to ask each other simple questions in the target language using simple vocabulary and animal names.

 Wisconsin Model Academic Standards:

Communication—Interpersonal:  Conversation

  • A2:  Students will ask and answer questions, including biographical information

 Communication—Interpretive:  Listening and Reading

  • B1:  Students will understand spoken language on familiar topics that has strong visual support


  • Blank farm scene (one per student)
  • Baggie containing cut-out animals with names (one per student)
  • Baggies with cutout animals without names (one per student)

 Time Frame:  10-15 minutes

 General Procedures:

  • Each student will receive a blank farm scene and a baggie of animal cutouts with the names on them
  • Each student will sit back to back or so they cannot see each other’s farm scene
  • Students will then place 3-4 animals on their farm scene
  • Using the simple questions provided, they will ask each other if their animal is on their farm. 

 Picture (307x232, 7.7Kb)  Multiple Intelligences Activities: 

 Linguistic / Verbal Intelligence

  • Using the cutout animals with the names, students will be able to connect the name in the target language to the animal through using the simple questions provided as well as repeating the animal name

 Mathematical / Logical Intelligence

  • Students will be able to use simple strategies through questioning in the target language to determine whether or not their partner has the animal on their farm. This activity allows students to place logical animals in a farm setting.  For an extension in this area, include animals that do not belong on the farm to test student’s knowledge of the material

 Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence

  • Students can use a hands-on communication activity with their partner to reinforce the vocabulary learned and to speak in the target language.  Students may also act out the behaviors of the animals they have on their farm using gestures and appropriate animal sounds in the target language

 Spatial / Musical Intelligence

  • In the background play a culturally appropriate song related to the content area.  This can set the mood for the students as work-time music as well as possibly help them with the activity.  Venga a ver mi granja, (Come see my farm) is a song that compliments this activity well.  The song incorporates different farm animals and their respective noises in Spanish.  For spatial intelligences, provide cutout animals in their colors to provide a color cue to the students when connecting the names to the animal

 Interpersonal Intelligence

  • Students will be able to work with a partner to play a hands-on activity game.  Let students pick their partners unless classroom behavior dictates otherwise.  Students can then work and help each other out with making the connection of the animal names to their pictures

 Intrapersonal Intelligence

  • Students will know their limitations with their knowledge of the animals in the target language and will be able to test that knowledge with their partner.  The activity may also lend these students the chance to ask other questions (most likely in English) to their partner about their farm, perhaps answering a few additional responses in the target language

 Naturalistic Intelligence

  • Students will be able to place farm animals in their natural setting on the farm.  They may inquire and / or brainstorm examples of other animals that they have seen on farms before as well as other characteristics of a farm setting.


Students will be able to connect the name of the animal in the target language to a pictorial representation of that animal.  Evaluation will be done through observation of the students over an extended period of time.  This activity should be repeated in different or the same variations until the instructor feels the students have a grasp of the concepts.  

 Picture (307x232, 7.7Kb)