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MI Plan #6

Kim Brooks, ED 381

Parenting Styles

Grade Level: High School 


Aim: Students will understand and appreciate different parenting styles.


Goal: Students will be able to identify and demonstrate the different parenting styles.


*Students will be able to identify authoritative, authoritarian, democratic and permissive parenting styles.


*Students will be able to identify the characteristics of children generally raised within the different parenting styles.


*Students will reflect upon their parent(s) or parental figures parenting styles and draw conclusions and make inferences about themselves based upon their parents parenting style.

MI Learning Activities:

Verbal/Linguistic: Write four stories about families that illustrate each of the four parenting styles.

Spatial: Draw four families.  Each family should represent a parenting style used by the parents and how it affects the children.  Use environment and activities to help you express the main aspects of each parenting style.

Body-Kinesthetic: Do a role-play for demonstrating each of the four parenting styles.  Can do this in groups or videotape role-plays done with outside peers or family.

Logical/Mathematical: Given four case studies that all contain at least one problem that needs to be solved within the family involving parenting styles used by the parents or parental figures in this case studies.  Solve the case studies for the four families.

Musical: Create a rap or song describing and demonstrating the four parenting styles.

Interpersonal: Students will share their work with other students in the class.


Intrapersonal: Write a journal entry in their notebooks about what they have learned about parenting styles.  Students should reflect upon their parents parenting styles and what they like or dislike about their parenting styles.  What inferences or can conclusions can you draw about what type of parent you may like to be?