Leslie Owen Wilson/Updated Spring 2002

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The Graffiti Model 2

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Plan by Adrienne Spaeth

Grade Level and Class:  Junior High Family Relations Class 

Area of Concentration:  Family and Consumer Education

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District Aim: To analyze the importance and need for family functions within students' present and future families.

Teacher Aim:  To assist students in investigating the reasons why family functions play such an integral part in obtaining and maintaining a healthy family life.


Time Allotment: Maximum of two class periods


Step #1 - Class organization and Preparation

Arrange students into four groups. This can be easily accomplished by counting off by fours adjustments can and will be made to better suit the needs of the class.


Step #2 - Class Organization and Material Distribution

Once the students are situated in-groups, distribute a large sheet of newsprint to each group with one of the following questions written a top. In addition, each student will be given a colored marker (this will allow students the chance to track his or her responses).

Step #3 - Answering Questions

Direct the students to carefully read through the entire question. Once they are done reading, have them take a few minutes to reflect and culminate some ideas pertaining to the question before them. Then, have the students collective work together to compile and compose answers to the question on the sheet of newsprint. Advocate that the students only record key words, phrases, or brief statements.


Step #4 - Exchanging Questions

After about five to six minutes, have students exchange sheets of newsprint (passing their paper to the group on their left). Then have students reflect upon and compose answers to the question, which now lay before them.  Encourage the students to document new and original thoughts and ideas pertaining to the question that they just received.  Continue on with this process until all teams have had an opportunity to reflect and answer ALL of the questions.


Step #5 - Returning the Original Questions

Once each group has had the chance to answer all of the questions, have them collect their original response sheet. Suggest that they review all of the answers displayed and arrange the responses into categories or groups. Once finished grouping, inform the students to make generalizations, abstractions and any other additions based on what other groups have responded.


Step #6 - Sharing Information and Evaluation

Display each group's sheet on the wall, board, etc. Individually have each group share their information with the class. Prompt them to add any insights or thoughts that they might have occurred while doing this project. Once each group is finished sharing their information, have the students take out a sheet of paper. Instruct them to individually reflect on what they have learned through this experience through answering one of the following questions (write questions on board or overhead, etc.)

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Next - Graffiti Model 3


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