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Woman studying  


for Supporting Excellence

Program Overview

Four Aspects
of the Program

FACETS Addresses


Program Impact

Program Leaders

Program Participants


Specific FACETS Goals & Objectives 

Objective 1:
To expand faculty understandings of how generational differences affect teaching and learning. (focusing on the Millennial Generation)   

Objective 2:
To expose faculty to the latest developments in research in cognitive science and the related implications to processing and retaining information.

Objective 3:
To provide faculty with a firm foundation in a broad array of effective instructional strategies, ones that better match the learning needs and styles of current and future student populations.

Objective 4:
To create a quality prototype for faculty teaching development and renewal that is flexible, collaborative, inventive, and supportive.

Objective 5:
To conceptualize and construct a working prototype for a supportive consortium that includes an extended educational community involving secondary, post-secondary, and business partnerships in order to provide faculty with current models of training and education, and extended perspectives or the importance of educational progressions.