There will be nine projects as outlined below. The number of points each project is worth is indicated.
Due dates are given in the tentative class schedule (and are as tentative as the rest of the schedule). Projects are to be handed in within 24 hours of the onset of the class that they are due. A penalty exists for tardiness. For each day the project is late (weekends included), 10% of its total possible points will be deducted. Since this deadline is generous, even one minute late will be counted as one day. In order to receive a passing grade, all projects must be handed in.
Unless otherwise indicated, each project should be submitted to me in two ways. A hard copy should be placed in my psychology dept. mailbox (in Science D-240) and a soft copy should be sent to me via email. That is, the relevant file(s) should be included as email attachment(s). Note that the time I receive the email message will be considered the time that the project is handed in (since these files are dated).
PROJECT | # Points |
1. Email | 5 |
2. Wordprocessing | 15 |
3. Psychology Reference Search | 20 |
4. APA Format | 35 |
5. Web Searching | 5 |
6. Spreadsheet Task | 35 |
7. Spreadsheet Graphics | 20 |
8. Data Description | 35 |
9. Web Site | 30 |
Send the class an email introducing yourself. Tell us about what you did during the break prior to this semester (or anything else you think we might be interested in). The message should be about a page in length and should include a signature line. You do not need to submit a hard copy of this project.
PROJECT 2. Word Processing (15 points).
Write a letter to a friend using MS Word. Please do not use hard formatting (i.e., use the computer as if it were a typewriter). Instead, use soft formatting (i.e., the features of the word processor) to accomplish the same goals.
PROJECT 3. Psychology Reference Search (20 points).
Obtain a half dozen journal article references from PsyLit or PsychFIRST on a specific subject in psychology that interests you. Additional Notes:
PROJECT 4. APA Format (35 points).
Pick an experiment from one of the half dozen references you obtained from the previous project and rewrite it in your own words in APA format. Note that I expect it to be much briefer than the original article. Basically, I want you to demonstrate that you understand the article you have read and that you have a basic mastery of APA format. The rewrite of the paper must include:
PROJECT 5. Web searching (5 points).
Send me five (hot) URL's for psychology related sites (that are not listed on the topics pages of the UWSP site). Note that I am looking for quality here, that is, the sites should contain substantive info about some aspect of psychology. You do not need to submit a hard copy of this project.
PROJECT 6. Spreadsheet Task (35 points).
Design a spreadsheet to accomplish a personal/professional task. The spreadsheet should include:
PROJECT 7. Spreadsheet Graphics (20 points).
Using MS Excel, create two presentation quality and two publication quality graphs. Note that you are really only creating two graphs (or figures) and each one is presented in two different ways (presentation and publication). I recommend that you use the graphs (or tables) from the journal article you summarized earlier this semester. The publication quality graphs should follow APA format. The presentation quality graphs can deviate from this format and can include color, 3D, etc. Note that you must also include a figure captions page (for the publication quality graphs).
PROJECT 8. Data Description (35 points).
Using a statistical program such as Minitab, analyze this data set. Since Statistics (PSY300) is not a requirement for this class, concentrate on describing the data. Write a Results section and follow APA format as best you can. Include at least one table (created in MS Word) and two figures (created in MS Excel). Also, save the output of your Minitab analyses and append it to your MS Word file.
PROJECT 9. Web Site (35 points).
Create a web site and copy it to the shared directory space that I have provided (you will need to send me a password of your choice for me to enable this). The web site should contain: