
Knight2 43.stt.5
The cobalt isotope 6027Co decays to the nickel isotope 6028Ni. The decay process is
A. alpha decay
B. beta-minus decay
C. beta-plus decay
D. electron capture
E. gamma decay

gc6 30.12
Use Appendix F to calculate the binding energy per nucleon for nitrogen-14.
A. 7.48 MeV
B. 0.112 MeV
C. 15.0 MeV
D. 105 MeV

Walker5e 32.86a
During a typical 2.5-h airplane flight, passengers are exposed to 65 µJ/h of radiation above the background radiation they receive on the ground, mostly from cosmic ray protons that are otherwise absorbed by the atmosphere before they reach the surface. What dose in rad is received by a 75-kg person during the flight?
A. 65 rad
B. 0.462 rad
C. 1.22 mrad
D. 217 µrad

Walker5e 32.86b
Considering the previous scenario of a 2.5-h airplane flight, what is the person's equivalent dose in rem?
A. 217 µrem
B. 46.0 rem
C. 2.17 mrem
D. 0.868 rem

Walker5e 32.86c mod
Considering the previous scenario of a 2.5-h airplane flight, and the fact that a typical chest X-ray delivers a dose of about 2.0 mrem, how many chest X-rays are equivalent to a 8.0-h Chicago to London flight?
A. 3.5 chest X-rays
B. 1.1 chest X-rays
C. 0.34 chest X-rays
D. 0.022 chest X-rays

Walker5e 32.85
A typical chest X-ray uses X-rays with an RBE of 0.85. If the radiation dosage is 2.5 mrem, find the energy absorbed by a 78-kg patient, assuming one-quarter of the patient's body is exposed to the X-rays.
A. 29.4 µJ
B. 0.574 mJ
C. 2.13 mJ
D. 1.66 J


B. beta-minus decay

The proton number Z has increased by one, but the atomic number remains at 60, indicating the nucleus has undergone beta-minus decay. A neutron has changed to a proton and ejected an electron (the beta-minus particle).


A. 7.48 MeV
Picture (921x309, 8.4Kb)


D. 217 µrad
solution equation


C. 2.17 mrem
solution equation


A. 3.5 chest X-rays
solution equation

The web site includes a predictive model of aviation radiation called E-RAD that monitors thousands of flights criss-crossing the 10 busiest routes in the continental USA. They produce a chart that indicates changes over time of the cosmic radiation to which airplane passengers are exposed.


B. 0.574 mJ
solution equation