
Thornton5e 3.50
An instrument (spectrometer) has resolution Δλ/λ = 0.40%. What wavelength of incident photons should be used in order to resolve the modified and unmodified scattered photons for scattering angles of (a) 30°, (b) 90°, and (c) 170°. Each the following EXCEPT:
A. 1204 pm
B. 812.5 pm
C. 606.5 pm
D. 81.25 pm

Thornton5e 3.57
A typical person can detect light with a minimum intensity of 4.0×10−11 W/m². For light of this intensity and λ = 550 nm, how many photons enter the eye each second if the pupil is wide open with a diameter of 9.0 mm?
A. 86.4 photons/s
B. 612 photons/s
C. 7,050 photons/s
D. 86,400 photons/s


B. 812.5 pm

See published example sheet on Canvas.


C. 7,050 photons/s

See published example sheet on Canvas.