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Walker5e Ex.25-8 practice
The amplitude of the electric field a distance of 1.00 m from a 50-W light bulb is Emax. At a distance of 2.00 m from the light bulb, Emax _____.
A. increases by a factor of √2
B. decreases by a factor of √2
C. decreases by a factor of 2
D. decreases by a factor of 4

A light ray exits glass (n = 1.50) and enters water (n = 1.33). Which way does the ray go?
A. It bends toward the normal.
B. It bends away from the normal.
C. It does not bend.
D. It totally reflects off the interface.

gc6 23.29
Rays of the Sun are seen to make a 31.0° angle to the vertical by an underwater observer. At what angle above the horizon is the Sun?
A. 31.0°
B. 59.0°
C. 43.2°
D. 46.8°

A 35-cm-long squirrel is photographed with a l50 mm focal length lens when it is 5.0 meters from the camera. What is the size of the squirrel's image on the film?
A. 1.08 cm
B. 1.17 cm
C. 8.57 mm
D. 2.33 mm

Walker5e 26.55
A coin is lying at the bottom of a pool of water that is 1.8 m deep. When viewed from directly above, how far below the surface of the water does the coin appear to be? ray diagram submerged coin
A. 0.45 m
B. 1.35 m
C. 1.80 m
D. 2.40 m

Walker5e CnEx 26-17
If a converging lens is immersed in water instead of air, does its focal length increase, decrease, or stay the same?
A. increase
B. decrease
C. stay the same

Walker5e EYU 26.6
The lenses shown below have objects that are identical in size and location relative to the lens. Is the image produced by lens 1 larger than, smaller than, or the same size as the image formed by lens 2? objects near converging and diverging lenses
A. larger than
B. smaller than
C. the same size as


C. decreases by a factor of 2
The intensity decreases by a factor of 4 because the distance to the point source of light is doubled. The amplitude Emax is proportional to the square root of the intensity, so it decreases by a factor of 2.
solution equation


B. It bends away from the normal.
The wave must speed up as it enters a medium with a lower index of refraction. It must therefore bend away from the normal.


D. 46.8°
solution equation


A. 1.08 cm
solution equation


ray diagram submerged coin
B. 1.35 m
solution equation
Refraction makes the image of the coin appear shallower than it is by a factor of nair/nwater = 1/1.33 = 3/4.


ray diagram submerged lens
A. increase
There is a smaller difference of index of refraction between water and glass than between air and glass. As a result, the light rays bend less at each boundary and the focal length of the lens becomes longer.


ray diagrams converging diverging lenses
A. larger than
The image produced by lens 1 will be virtual, upright, and magnified. The image produced by lens 2 will be virtual, upright, and reduced.