UD, Sch I, Ag II
Demo Service Dog

A Virtual Demonstration
1989 - 2000

Lobo is a black male German Shepherd Dog born 11/8/89. The initials after his name are his working titles. He also enjoys other activities. Since many have requested it, I have included a pedigree. He is an ambassador of the breed and a wonderful companion and family member. For another action photo collection, see Lobo's buddy "Schatze".

The goal of this page is to demonstrate Lobo in action. It can be thought of as a virtual demonstration of some of Lobo's abilities. There are about 40 pictures ranging in size from 20 to 100 Kb. Many are actually video captures rather than photos. The video captures are not as high quality as the photo's but I've included them because they capture Lobo in action. There are also three brief digital videos demonstrating some of Lobo's Assistance Dog skills.

Lobo's Titles

Other Activities
