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Application Forms

Seminars: Sample Statements of Intention

Requirements & Details

The FACETS Project has two stages
• Stage I - Informational Seminars
• Stage II - Summer Stipend or Fall Release time for work on the scholarship of teaching
Individuals may apply to participate in Stage I only, or apply for both Stages.

Stage I - The Seminar Program

Stage I: This series is open to a limited number of full-time teaching faculty and academic staff at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin - Marathon County. Informational dinners and seminars: Participants apply for admission and receive: 3 dinners with informational seminars, featured professional books and related handouts, and follow up discussions and related activities with peers, area teachers, business leaders, and university students. Participants also receive $100 for related books or software. As a condition of acceptance, participants agree to disseminate to his/her home unit materials and information from the seminars. Scheduled dinners and presentations include collaborative discussions and activities, and offer participants insights into selected topics:

a) the learning differences and expectations of those students representing the Millennial generation,
b) the relationship of learning styles to what we know about human cognition,
c) the latest research on cognition and information retention, and
d) recent educational theory and data about curricular redesign, student assessment, and reflective practice.

Stage II- FACETS Research Program

Stage II: This program is open to a select group of FACETS participants who have completed the FACETS Seminars.
Supported Projects: Stage I participants are eligible for summer stipends or support for course release.
Projects must be related to:
• teaching improvement or experimentation
• subject integration and collaboration
• research on teaching and learning
• SoTL work, or
• a project related to further investigation on one of the seminar topics.

Stage II awardees will conduct research on personally selected topics related to teaching excellence. This research should fall under the guidelines of "The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" and lead to changes in how participants construct, present, or conduct their teaching, and/or how they orchestrate, facilitate or deliver content. Help and mentoring are available throughout this process.

The research program offers awards and financial support in two ways:
a) summer stipend for 2005, or
b) fall 2005 course release awards.
Summer stipend in the amount of $3500 (grant pays fringes) is available for 6 UWSP and 2 UWMC faculty. Fall course release money up to $5000 is available for 3 UWSP faculty members and 1 UWMC faculty member. (If course replacement costs exceed $5000, your department or unit must agree to supply the difference before this will be awarded.)